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NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto Coffee Machine, Genio 2, Espresso, Cappuccino and Latte Pod Machine, Silver
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NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto Coffee Machine, Genio 2, Espresso, Cappuccino and Latte Pod Machine, Silver

Product ID: 143342199
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The automatic, ultra-compact Nescafe Dolce Gusto Genio 2 capsule coffee machine, is designed to perfectly fit your single cup brewing needs with a small footprint. Ideal for locations serving less than 6 cups per day. PROFESSIONAL QUALITY COFFEE - Create professional quality coffees with a thick velvety crema, thanks to the machine’s high-pressure system (up to 15 bars). With our hermetically sealed capsules, which preserve coffee freshness, you’ll enjoy rich aromatic cups every time. This automatic machine is so easy to use: just slide in a capsule, customize your beverage size with the toggle stick and push the button. Or, if you want your coffee as easy as possible, follow the preparation suggestions on the capsule. A convenient eco-mode feature automatically switches off your NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto Genio 2 coffee machine after 5 minutes of inactivity, meaning this machine has an A rating in energy consumption. 15 COFFEE CREATIONS - With Nescafe Dolce Gusto, you can enjoy 15 premium coffee creations, whether you like your coffee short or long, black or white. Enjoy a choice of intense Espresso, aromatic Medium Roast, and full-bodied Dark Roast, to frothy Cappuccino and smooth Latte Macchiato. Stimulate your senses with our exciting coffee solutions. Our machines look stunning in any professional space and consistently craft great-tasting hot and cold specialty coffees in rich, deep flavors with enticing aromas. . Dimensions 6. 5W x 10. 2"D x 11. 7"H. Weighs 6 pounds. Electrical: 120V, 60Hz, max. 1460W. Tantalize your taste buds with the latest coffee breakthrough from Nescafe. Discover Nescafe Dolce Gusto and rediscover coffee.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

Sneha T.

Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

1 month ago

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Sneha T.

Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

1 month ago